What is Next.js?
Next.js is a React framework that enables developers to build full-stack web applications by extending React’s latest features. It integrates powerful Rust-based JavaScript tooling for very fast builds. Some key features include:
- Built-in Optimizations: Automatic optimizations for images, fonts, and scripts to improve user experience and Core Web Vitals.
- Data Fetching: Supports both server-side and client-side data fetching, allowing React components to fetch data asynchronously.
- Node.js & Edge Runtimes: Enables scalable serverless functions and fast delivery of dynamic, personalized content.
- Advanced Routing & Nested Layouts: File system-based routing with support for complex routing patterns and UI layouts.
- Dynamic HTML Streaming: Streams UI from the server to the client, integrated with React Suspense.
- CSS Support: Compatibility with various CSS tools like CSS Modules, Sass, Tailwind CSS, and styled-jsx.
- Route Handlers: Creation of API endpoints to interact with third-party services.
- Middleware: Control over incoming requests to define routing and access rules for authentication and other purposes.
- React Server Components: Use server components to reduce the amount of JavaScript sent to the client.
- Client & Server Rendering: Flexible rendering options on a per-page level, including Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR).
Source: GPT-4 summary of