#framework#open-source javascript

What is the T3-Stack?

The T3 Stack refers to a specific combination of modern web development tools and libraries designed to create full-stack, typesafe applications using a TypeScript-first approach. The main components of the T3 Stack as described in the provided text include:

  • Next.js: A React framework for building server-side rendered and statically generated web applications.
  • Prisma: An open-source database toolkit that allows developers to define their database schema and interact with their database using a typesafe API.
  • TypeScript: A programming language that builds on JavaScript by adding static type definitions.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for creating custom designs without leaving your HTML.
  • tRPC: A library that allows developers to create end-to-end typesafe APIs without schema or code generation.
  • NextAuth.js: A library for building authentication systems in Next.js applications.

The T3 Stack is designed to streamline the setup of typesafe Next.js apps while allowing developers the flexibility to add other libraries as needed for state management, deployment, and other concerns.

Source: GPT-4 summary of https://create.t3.gg/



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